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Venture Capital News: Qnovo Receives Investment

NEWARK, CA, Leading innovator of software to enhance battery performance revealed that Sony Mobile is an investor, having joined in Qnovo's Series B financing.
Mobile World Congress - Qnovo, the leading innovator of software to enhance battery performance, today announced that its QNS adaptive charging technology is included in recently announced Sony Mobile Communications (Sony Mobile)'s Xperia smartphones (Xperia X, Xperia X Performance and Xperia XA). In addition, Qnovo revealed that Sony Mobile is an investor, having joined in Qnovo's Series B financing with Intel Capital, RockPort Capital, U.S. Venture Partners and BRV Lotus.
'We recognize that battery performance is one of the key features to consumers today and becomes even more critical to mobile devices going forward,' said Hiroki Totoki, President and CEO at Sony Mobile Communications. 'Our investment in Qnovo and their innovative intelligent charging process allows us to deliver an even better consumer mobile experience.'
Sony Mobile's Xperia smartphones are known for their industry-leading battery life. With Qnovo QNS software managing device charging together with Sony Mobile's latest battery technology, Sony Mobile is now extending battery lifespan up to twice as long* and also enabling Xperia owners to enjoy more daily use as the battery ages. Qnovo adaptive charging provides a much improved mobile experience, especially with repeated battery charging.
'We share the vision of enhancing mobility by making today's batteries perform better, and welcome Sony Mobile as a customer and an investor,' said Nadim Maluf, Qnovo CEO.
Qnovo QNS adaptive charging software takes a unique, patented approach to battery charging by measuring battery health in real-time and continuously adjusting battery charging current. Intelligent management of the charging process enables mobile device manufacturers increased flexibility to improve all aspects of battery performance simultaneously, including longer lifespan, more daily use, faster charging and thinner devices. Qnovo technology operates on standard, un-modified lithium ion cells and optimizes battery performance throughout a mobile product's lifetime.
2x Battery Lifespan
* Qnovo adaptive charging is featured on all X series models. 2x battery lifespan refers to Xperia X and Xperia X Performance with Qnovo enabled when compared to Xperia Z2. During laboratory battery capacity retention cycle testing conducted by Sony Mobile Communications and Qnovo Incorporated, the battery cell used in Xperia Z2 achieved a lifespan up to 2 times longer with Qnovo. The result may vary depending on conditions and environment.
Qnovo at Mobile World Congress 2016
Qnovo adaptive battery charging will be on display at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain from February 22-25. Contact to arrange a meeting.
About Qnovo
Qnovo is reinventing one of the most basic foundations of mobility -- the battery and how it is charged. Qnovo develops innovative and patented charging algorithms that improve battery performance. By augmenting battery chemistry with software, Qnovo adaptive charging extends mobility with an improved consumer battery experience. Follow us on Twitter and Blog.
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